Why can’t I see anything on the screen in “Live View” of the DrivePro app?

Category : Software / Firmware / Applications
The new version of DrivePro dashcams uses a different protocol in the “Live View” function. To have a better user experience, please try the available methods below according to your smartphone operating system.

For Android smartphones: Due to the limitation of Android phones, please refer to the hint message in the DrivePro app to temporarily turn off mobile networks (e.g., 4G, 5G) to prevent the impact of cellular networks on the "Live View" function in the DrivePro app.

In addition, if you also use the following functions/applications that may affect the Wi-Fi network connection, we would suggest you temporarily disable them.
1. VoLTE
2. VPN
3. Advertising blocking app
4. Anti-virus app

For iOS smartphones: Please update the iOS system to the latest version and restart the iOS device to avoid related situations.
(Note: How to restart an iOS device? https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201559)
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