How can I have a better experience with GPS positioning before using DrivePro Body 70 camera for the first time?

Category : Setup / Operation

To enhance the GPS positioning capabilities of the DrivePro Body 70 (DPB70), consider the following two methods:

1.Install the DrivePro Body App and then complete the pairing process.

First, download and install the DrivePro Body App. Once installed, follow the app's instructions to pair with the DPB70 via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Upon successful pairing, EPO data will be synchronized to the body camera, enhancing its GPS positioning accuracy.

2.Install the DrivePro Body Toolbox software and sync the time with your computer afterward.

We suggest using a 3.5mm USB cable to connect DrivePro Body 70 to the computer and open the DrivePro Body Toolbox software. Please go to "Settings" to set the time zone and synchronize the time with the computer to optimize the GPS positioning time.

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