Why can’t my JDM be detected by the JetDrive Toolbox on MAC?

Category : Specification / Capacity / Performance
With the differences in transmission interface of the JDM enclosure, JDM product series are detailed as follows:
JDM 8-Series: Either connecting your JDM to the MAC with an external enclosure or having it installed internally, it shall be detected by the JetDrive Toolbox.
JDM 7-Series & JDM 5-Series: Only by installing your JDM internally to the MAC will it be detected by the JetDrive Toolbox.
Hence, if your JDM product (7-Series & 5-Series) is connected to the MAC via an external enclosure and cannot be detected by the JetDrive Toolbox, we recommend that you install your JDM internally to the MAC and try again.

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